Thursday 31 May 2012


Not sure if email to other people worked, but the form is nice & easy to use and some of the themes are quite cute

Piece of cake

Created a document in Google docs & emailed it. Very easy! think I'll use this more.

Thursday 24 May 2012


Have now been following numerous divers twitterers for a while and done a bit of tweeting & retweeting myself.  Dead easy to get the hang of and not nearly as time consuming as FB.  Like it.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Trolling & Cyberbullying

These seem to constitute a bit of a blood sport for those who indulge - with sometimes tragic consequences as here:

Trolling seems like a weird activity - these folk should get out more! 

LinkedIn thing 14

Registered for LinkedIn.


Another opportunity for organising and sharing things of interest.  Life's too short as far as I'm concerned!  I'm getting on great with Delicious now, so any other similar things aren't of much pinterest...oops, sorry!

Libraries on Facebook

I think there's a conflict for students with being contacted through what they see as a social space by libraries, uni, school or whatever.  I'm sure some find it helpful but others will experience it as intrusive I think.

Thing 13

Have had a FB account for a long time now but not an avid user.  Google + confuses me but I think it's just that the layout is unfamiliar.  FB is forever tinkering with the format and design which is frustrating - I don't want to spend my life working out the impact of the changes to privacy settings and where to look for things I used to be able to see...will investigate further